When will we be able to vote? This Head Tax is ridiculous. It’s more like ”a crime”. And no one can afford it. No one.
If the ship is finished today, I'll get candy. I'm going to check on it right now!
Hey, you see anyone here who could be a rum runner?
My cousin said he met this guy and that he's the real McCoy. My cousin wouldn't lie.
It's happening! I'm expanding! My business is growing... now I just need to sell more groceries! More cigarettes! More of everything!
La la la... la la la... He's very good-looking. I wonder if he noticed my hair today?
I want to go see what Father's doing at the shipyard!
Why why why do they take away our fishing licenses? Do they want us to starve? Who are these government people anyway?
We need more money for our fish. It's the only way that the factory owners will be made to listen. We strike on Monday!
Well, this cannery is a shipyard now good and proper. Better use of it, I think. Lots of canneries still around.
Continue to the Murakami House
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This is the boardwalk after wwil