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Head Tax Chinese Increase to $500

Vol. XII
5 Cents

Head Tax Chinese Increase to $500

In Canada, Chinese immigration began about 1858 in response to the gold rush in British Columbia. Additional Chinese immigrants came to Canada between 1881 and 1885 as temporary workers to help build the national railway which was a national project undertaken by Canadian Pacific Railway. Upon completion of the railway, the federal government moved to restrict Chinese immigration by imposing a Head Tax of $50 for every person of Chinese origin entering Canada. The Head Tax was doubled in 1900.

Now in 1903, the Canadian Parliament has moved to increase the Head Tax to $500 per person of Chinese origin. This increased amount is equivalent to approximately two years of wages for an average Chinese labourer; as a result, the majority of Chinese workers cannot afford to bring any members of their families to Canada.

Head Tax Chinese Increase to $500